Tyler Zumdahl
Champion Crossbred Steer
Grand Champion Beef Feeding
Champion Crossbred Female
Alyssa Nelson
Champion Pair of Market Gilts
Jr. Swine Showmanship
Courtney Swalve
Champion Hereford Female
Grand Champion Female Overall
Intermediate Beef Showmanship
Kyle Imel
Champion Simmental Steer
Champion Dairy Goat
Jr. Goat Showmanship
Matt Keppen
Champion Electricity
Rebecca Alexander
Champion Sewing & Textiles I
Champion Visual Arts-Heritage Arts
Champion Visual Arts- Kits & Models
Champion Horseless Horse Showmanship
Tom Nelson
Champion Beef Rate of Gain
Austin Miller
Champion Clover Buds
Brighton Haverland
Champion Grade Lamb
Grand Champion Market Lamb
Jr. Sheep Showmanship
Greta Augsburger
Champion Animal Sciences, Studies projects
Champion Visual Arts-Glass/Plastic
Champion Visual Arts-Nature
Jillian Appel
Champion Pygmy & Fainting Goats
Josiah Michael
Champion Computer
Champion Small Pets
Justin Witt
Champion Shorthorn Steer
Champion Angus Female
Champion Simmental Female
Grand Champion Overall Cow-Calf Pair
Sr. Beef Showmanship
Alexandra Kronenberg
Champion Sewing & Textiles II
Champion Intermediate foods
Champion Advanced Foods
Champion Cake Decorating
Champion Candy Making
Champion Visual Arts-Chalk/Carbon/Pigment
Champion Horticulture
Champion Plants & Soils
Bailey Fisch
Champion Child Development
Champion Beginning Foods
Dean Hollewell
Champion Performance Horse & Rider
Drew Davidson
Champion Woodworking
Emily Kleckler
Champion Halter Pony
Jr. Horse & Pony Showmanship
Gina Silvius
Grand Champion Ewe
Klarrisa Lacroix
Champion Meat Goat
Micah Farmer
Champion Aerospace
Victoria Kronenberg
Champion Sewing & Textiles III
Champion Fashion Revue
Champion Visual Arts-Paper
Champion Gaming
Kayla VenHuizen
Sr. Horse & Pony Showmanship
Best of Show Dog Obedience
Best of Show Dog Care
Sr. Dog Showmanship
Sarah VenHuizen
Jr. Dog Showmanship
Amorette Merboth
Mt. Carroll
Champion Collections
Darrin Rahn
Champion Visual Arts-Metal
Garrett Badtke
Champion Market Heifer
Mitchel Rahn
Champion Visual Arts-Wood
Natalie O’Connor
Champion Forestry
Champion Market Barrow
Natalie Shaw
Champion Natural Resources
Rachel Badtke
Champion Beef Bucket Calf
Tessa Adolph
Champion Shorthorn Female
Allie Stover
Jr. Rabbit Showmanship
Shaunte Padilla
Rock Falls
Best Rabbit Doe
Best Rabbit Buck
Sr. Rabbit Showmanship
Intermediate Horse & Pony Showmanship
Glenn Hoffman
Champion Dairy Bucket Calf
Saphire Harris
Brittny Olson
Champion Pair of Market Barrows
Clayton Ruter
Champion Hereford Steer
Jr. Beef Showmanship
Emily VanDeburgh
Champion Advanced Visual Arts
Jillyn Ruter
Grand Champion Market Pair of Lambs
Katie Woessner
Champion Visual Arts- Computer Generated Art
Nicole Olson
Champion Market Gilt
Outstanding Swine Exhibitor Award
Sr. Swine Showmanship
Rebecca VanDeburgh
Champion Rooster
Champion Pullet/Hen
Best of Show Poultry
Roger VanDeburgh
Champion Robotics
Taylor Ruter
Champion Angus Steer
Emily Ferris
Champion Photography
Best of Show Cat
Ethan Nash
Horse & Pony Costume Class
Nikita Nash
Champion Visual Arts – Clay
Bailey Durward
Champion Dairy Holstein Female
Hallie Mobley
Champion Scrapbooking
KaCee French
Best Decorated Cage
Kara Durward
Sr. Dairy Showmanship
Kayleigh Bull
Champion Animal Science & Vet Science
Champion Visual Arts-Fiber
Champion Visual Arts-3-Dimensional
Champion Other Breed Poultry
Best Rabbit Breeding Pen
Best of Show Kitten
Champion Halter Horse
Kimberly Durward
Jr. Dairy Showmanship
Nadia Bull
Poultry Sr. Showmanship
Champion Fiber Goat
Sr. Goat Showmanship