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Chadwick Fire Dept.
210 Calvert St.
P.O. Box 64
Chadwick, IL 61014

The Chadwick Fire Department

The Chadwick Fire Protection District currently has 27 volunteer members, with 25 members serving as firefighters. Of that 25, 10 are firefighter/EMT's, and 3 are first responders. Chief Brad Aude said the Department also has 2 additional EMT's for a total of 12 on the CFD.

"One of our most experienced firefighter/EMT's, Andy Skoog, recently retired after 18 years of service to the department and community," Aude said. "Andy was our 1st Captain and an EMT for 8 years." Skoog was also the department's maintenance officer, and was an original member of the Carroll County 9-1-1 Board.

"On behalf of the department, I would like to publicly thank Andy Skoog for his many years of dedicated service to the community and the department," Aude gratefully acknowledged. "He will be greatly missed and we wish him all the luck in the future."

The department's number of volunteers has grown recently, compared to the 21 members they had last year, Aude stated. "We continue to have a need for more volunteers, especially during the day. The department would like to have 30 firefighting personnel. We are still a few short."

Aude said that if anyone is interested in being a part of the Chadwick Fire Department, they may contact him or any member of the department for an application. "The department requires 24-hours of training a year, plus CPR, First Aid, and Hazardous Materials Awareness classes."

The department also held several training classes for Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT). The RIT members have taken training from RICO (firefighters from the Chicagoland area) on firefighting and survival techniques focused on saving downed firefighters trapped inside engulfed structures. "RIT members go to fires and stand-by in case they are needed to save one of our own," Aude said.

In 2007, the CFD responded to 107 calls, 2 structure fires, 11 mutual aid fires, 64 ambulance calls, 7 accidents, 11 grass/field fires, 2 vehicle/equipment fires, and 11 other fire calls, such as downed power lines, carbon monoxide, weather related, etc.

The CFD currently operates with six pieces of firefighting apparatus with a total of 8,150 gallons of water available for a first response. The department also has a Rescue vehicle and an Ambulance/BLS. The equipment is all in excellent condition, but one of the fire engines is 30-years old.

"Right now we have an engine committee looking into purchasing a new engine for our district," Aude said. "Our first engine to go out on a call is 20-years old, and the second engine is 30-years old. The committee is gathering engine specifications based on what our department needs and what type of engine can be purchased to help us meet those needs. They are doing an excellent job so far, and they're trying to get the engine spec's done and purchased before January 2009."

It is vital that this be accomplished by the end of the year, Aude added, because after that, fire engines will increase in cost by $12,000 to $15,000 due to new NFPA standards that all manufacturers must follow. By 2010, the cost will again increase by $20,000 to $30,000 due to new engine emissions standards.

The CFD operates with funding from residents and businesses in the Chadwick Fire Protection District. But fundraisers and donations are also an integral part of the CFD operations. "We hold our Annual Pancake Breakfast on the last Sunday in April," Aude said. "I would like to thank the community and businesses that support us each year with their generosity."

The Chadwick and Milledgeville Department's are working together with the Carroll County Fire Safety House for safety drills at the Milledgeville School during Fire Prevention Month in October.

"I wish to thank all the members of the Chadwick Fire Department for all their hard work this past year," Aude concluded. "Also thanks to Milledgeville and all other area fire and ambulance departments for their mutual aid they provide us with every year. Without helping each other out, the job would be impossible."

Contact the Chadwick Fire Department, Chief Bradley Aude, at P.O. Box 64, Chadwick, IL 61014, or

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