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Mt. Carroll Fire Dept.
318 S. Clay St.
P.O. Box 103
Mt. Carroll, IL 61053

Your Mount Carroll Fire Department

Fire prevention is a year-round activity for the members of the Mt. Carroll Fire Dept. Personnel participate in continuing education classes to keep current on their firefighting techniques, and have attended several training schools and seminars in 2008. Members meet on a monthly basis as well to receive extra training sessions regarding their firefighting skills, CPR, Haz-Mat and First Aid.

Chief Rusty Handel said their roster is the same as last year, with 31 volunteer firefighters. Anyone interested in becoming a Mt. Carroll firefighter should contact Chief Handel or any of the other members. "There is always a need for new personnel in order to maintain our fire safety activities."

Officers of the Mt. Carroll Fire Department are Chief Rusty Handel, 1st Asst. Chief Art Crouse, 2nd Asst. Chief Ron Handel, Captain Alan Crouse, Captain Robert Irons, Captain Bob Larson, Captain Charles Boyer, and Sec.-Treas. Steven Phillips.

Other personnel include Mike Bates, Dennis Benters, Chad Buckwalter, Ron Buckwalter, Tom Cravatta, Eric Dauphin, Jerry Gelwicks, Joe Grim, Ryan Guenzler, Jeff Harding, Marty Hockman, Richard Holm, Brad Hubbard, Ron Meinsma, Mark Mueller, Jon Neuschwanger, Scott Parker, Vinnie Popkin, Rick Rice, Roger Sibley, Scott Sisler, Robert Tornow, and Troy Zink.

Trustees of the Mt. Carroll Fire Protection District are Richard Handel, Charles Kessler, and John Rapp, Jr. Acting Secretary-Treasurer is Mary Ann Turnbaugh.

Chief Handel thanks the community, residents and businesses, for their support of their annual fundraising activities. Proceeds from their Annual Spring Pancake Breakfast, Fireman's Ball, and concessions during the 4th of July fireworks and October Nights, go toward new equipment, as well as fireworks displays.

Because of this community support, the MCFD purchased 12 new air packs last year. The Mt. Carroll 4th of July fireworks continue to be one of the premier displays in Northwest Illinois.

Chief Handel wishes to acknowledge all of the area fire departments for providing mutual aid. "Your cooperation keeps all of our communities safer."

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