Prairie Advocate News

Mayberry Day

The folks of Mayberry got together Saturday, May 2, at Express Lane in Lanark, to benefit the "Jake Thomas Eagle Scout Project" FUNdraiser. Jake's Eagle Scout project will improve the Veterans Memorial Wall at the Lanark Cemetery.

See theexclusive video of this FUNdraiser below. It's not a re-run! (PA photos and video/Tom Kocal)


Eagle Scout Jake Thomas, center, is surrounded by Aunt Bee and several members of the Ladies Aid at the bake sale. Goober and Ernest T. Bass also behaved themselves long enough for this photo to be taken.

Mayberry Day

Several other "Goobers" were on hand to pump gas, wash windows and check your oil, including Goober's John Mueller and Kevin Barnes. Lanark Community Club, Lanark Lions Club, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Lanark American Legion Goober's helped the cause.

Video by Tom Kocal

