A letter, written by Susan Turner, entitled “Clean Water Fairness Bill” and printed in your paper on October 5, 2011 urged support of SB 1682, now pending in the Illinois General Assembly. This fee bill is in response to 50 pages of rules and regulations, proposed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and mandated by Region Five, Chicago, of the Federal EPA under the 1974 Federal Clean Water Act.
The Illinois proposed rules have not advanced to the Illinois Pollution Control Board hearing process, for rules and regulations formation and then to the Illinois General Assembly for approval. Plans are for them to be finalized and in place by 2014. Illinois EPA estimates annual costs of $1,000,000 dollars and requires 14 new employees for enforcement.
The letter failed to point out the costs local livestock farmers could face. The required nutrient management plan and filling out the permit application could easily exceed $10,000 and annual fees as long as that livestock enterprise is in business. Those costs for a large operation of 2,000 animals would be about $5 per head. For an operation of 200 head this would be about $50. That $50 annual cost per animal could easily be one fourth of the $200 average net annual income a dairy farmer would have available for family living expenses.
I remember a remark by the wife of a young dairy farmer couple in Jo Daviess County, that pretty well summarized the thoughts after hearing the EPA proposals: “There just isn’t any pleasure in farming anymore.” Ms. Turner in her letter failed to recognize that 15 years ago, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Livestock Management Facilities Act, which requires all new and remodeled livestock facilities to be engineered and constructed so that NO runoff occurs.
Evidently EPA has not read the existing Illinois law or they would not propose requiring a permit. SB 1682 will cost all livestock producers, to solve a problem that does not exist.
I. Ronald Lawfer
Stockton, IL
What Can One Person Do?
Can one person make a difference? In talking to several people, I wanted to know why Mr. Obama was still in office as President since according to our U.S.A. Constitution they must be born in America. After many questions concerning Obama’s birth and much fan-dangling and millions of our tax money spent by Obama and his cronies to keep his records closed, it has been reported that the latest so called birth certificate out of Hawaii is a fraud too. It’s ironic how his step grandmother, before she died, told an investigator she was present at his birth in Kenya. Many Kenyans state he is a native of theirs, as did Mrs. Obama when she went to Kenya with Mr. Obama in a speech to the Kenyan people. It was said that Mr. Obama’s mother was due anytime when she went to Kenya and did not make it back to Hawaii in time. Also, investigators also found out that Mr. Obama’s social security number is fraudulent too.
One person said in our conversation and I agreed, “that our government is way out of control, so corrupt that they do not listen to we the people anymore.” Another said, “We should all refuse to pay their wages since Congress has given up most of their powers.” I agreed with that too. “What can one person do?”, another said. I replied, “One person can do a lot!” Of course, two people disagreed with me. I held my belief and stated if one person talks to another person and gets them to agree with you and you pass it on to others, pretty soon one could be fifty people, then fifty people could be a hundred people and so on.
Stating one person cannot make a difference is a defeatist attitude. Getting people off their couches, watching sports on T.V., playing video games and getting them engaged to call, write, yell at their government representatives and if that does not work, threaten them with not donating money to them or the party and they will not get your votes. Speaker of the House Mr. Boehner did an unconstitutional thing when he passed the Committee of 12 with the deciding factor 13th vote being the President. This is giving up more of their power.
There is something drastically wrong when several Congressmen report in D.C. that if this bill is not passed that martial law will be enacted on the American people and it is in executive orders ready to go at the right moment. Some of those executive orders are blatantly unconstitutional. Due to fears the representatives do what they are told by party line whose top guns do not have America’s interest first, but Israel’s!!!
Both parties in D.C. are so corrupted and ¾ of them need to be thrown out of office and some, I believe, need to be tried for treasonous acts. Sad but true! I understand why the Tea Party has risen up with all kinds of people valuing their freedoms over security and tyranny. They are fighting back the leftist liberals who hate them because they can’t pass all their programs of progressive, socialistic, communistic agenda. It isn’t only the leftist liberals but also the so-called conservative neo cons that are just as bad if not worse!
Yes, one person can make a difference. Over 2000 years ago one came to earth and He shook up the world! Wake up Americans before it is too late and get off the couches. Call, write letters, go to their offices, send emails and pester them until they fear us, we the people. I pray all those who read this letter will have the courage and do the right thing, for it is our children and grandchildren’s futures that are at stake. You can make them proud of you knowing, yes, one person can really make a difference and they can tell others that I had a family member who tried. Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Patricia Blount
Lanark, IL
The Future Is In Their Hands
Having just returned from a wedding in New York City last weekend, my mind continues to wander to the economic challenge escaping the attention of our rural area. Immediately after the wedding ceremony, the couple gleefully grabbed their hand-held devices and changed their Facebook status to “married.” Many guests who were waiting for the couple to enter the reception hall were already responding to the change on their mobile devices with “likes.”
That young couple to whom I am referring, grew up in two small Illinois towns. They started careers in Northwest Illinois and eventually found opportunity in the big city. Will they move back here? Probably not. As a life-long rural resident, I am very concerned about the viability of our rural economic future. We must look to our young people and implement changes that will include them in our future.
1 out of every 3 teens send over 100 text messages a day. According to ChaCha, an internet based research and marketing company, 61% of teens surveyed said that if they could only have one piece of technology, it would be a mobile device. Only 18% responded that they wanted a computer. Why is this important? Our teenagers will be running future technologies and businesses. ChaCha found that less than 1% of those surveyed used email. Never heard of ChaCha? You don’t use “apps” on your mobile phone. The mobile industry took in $1.18 trillion in revenue last year. It’s not going away.
Advanced high-speed wireless broadband has enabled the downloading of information, proposals and finished products through hand-held devices, the preferred method of communication of our nation’s youth. However, some areas in Northwest Illinois have little if any high-speed, wireless broadband access. As a matter of fact, my consulting business is regularly stymied by lack of reliable wired internet availability and speeds.
If we as residents of Northwest Illinois want to survive and thrive economically, we must consider our mobile strategy. Imagine the frustration of a visiting twenty-something unable to use his iPhone.
I encourage everyone concerned about our rural future to investigate the Internet Innovation Alliance (www.internetinnovation.org). The Internet Innovation Alliance is a broad-based coalition of business and non-profit organizations that aim to ensure every American, regardless of race, income or geography, has access to the critical tool that is broadband Internet.
Laurel Bergren
Mount Carroll, Illinois
Together WE Can Change Washington
I cannot sit by as the Professional Politicians ruin my country. Both Parties refuse to control spending and each blames the other. To ensure their power, they pit us against each other by grouping our interests to prevent us from making collective decisions against their wants.
But, we are far more alike than we are different. Goooh.com is bringing us together to select true Citizen Representatives who will run government as it was designed and they will not be controlled by big money and lobbyists. Together we are more powerful than they are. Lets join at goooh.com and select our own candidates.
Goooh candidates must refuse money and favors, they will only serve for a limited time and they will vote as agreed upon by us. This is what our forefathers intended. Become the patriot your children need.
We need you, our country needs you. Join us at goooh.com
C.C. Rice
Texas City, TX
Republicans Have Closeted Skeletons
Many people have skeletons in their closets that they hope people forget about or will not find out about. They will try to hide their views from others that do not hold their views. The Republican Party seems to have some factions coming out of the closet every so often. They seem to have a knack for holding a straight face, while they are trying to deceive the general public.
Look how many times Congressman Manzullo has bragged about bringing jobs to his district while he has helped send them to China. I sat on the same stage with Representative Jim Sacia on opening the prison at Thomson, IL. He really makes a good case for opening the prison. What happens when it came time to fund the opening of the prison? He voted against it. Former Gov. Ryan had the prison built. He put funding in the budget to open the prison and then vetoed it. For some, it is hard to understand their thinking. When you look at past history, it is easier to understand.
Many Republicans have backed David Duke, a previous wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Recently, some from the Tea Party wanted him to run for President in 2012, but he can’t because he was convicted of tax evasion. Most people are aware of the skin-heads and their steady concern of the 2nd Amendment to bear arms.
Who can forget the religious right and the moral majority’s strong support for Newt Gingrich? He was the one waiting outside of the surgery room for his wife to sign divorce papers while she was still under the effects of her cancer surgery.
Now we have Gov. Perry and Michele Bachman, plus others that want to do away with government as we know it. How many of us have served in the Armed Forces and how many have died to protect this government? It is scary to think what else they have in their closets.
Some of the things many of the elected officials, and I guess mainstream party members support is abolishing Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, and they support taxing the poor and the working people and giving it to the rich. Greed is a powerful force.
Gerald L. Bork
Mt. Carroll, IL
Thirteen Months to Election Day
The Stephenson County Tea Party has taken the summer off and is ready to get back to work. We are resuming our meetings at 6:30 pm October 13th at Dietz’s Old School Apartments, 111 E. Mason St. in Lena IL. Although the elections are a ways off there is much activity going on from the Federal level to the State and here locally.
The Tea Party has been slammed as sexist, racist, and right wing radicals. But we have Michelle Bachman, a woman, and Herman Cain, a black man (who is gaining in the polls), running as conservatives for President. Are we radicals? I guess if that means we are for the constitution, as our founders who believed in limited government, then I guess we are.
The Tea Party’s primary function is to educate citizens as to which candidates, at all levels, believe in these principles, and then vote the progressives / socialists, tax and spenders out.
This month members from our group will talk on subjects such as the stimulus, bail outs and debt, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, NIDA/ Prospering Together, and also a number of communist-type events that have made the news that you don’t hear on the major public networks. This 2012 election will be one of the most important elections of my lifetime.
When asked of Benjamin Franklin, after signing the Constitution, what type of government he had given us, he responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” You can help us by getting involved or sending a contribution to Stephenson County Tea Party, PO Box 160, Lena IL. 61048.
Bill Dietz
Lena, IL
End Domestic Violence
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Our organization would like to take this opportunity to promote public awareness of and education about Domestic Violence, including its impact on our families and our community. One of the ways we would like to do this is by sharing a little bit about our services in Carroll County. We are fortunate to have a safe place like Riverview Center that advocates on behalf of the individuals who have been affected by Domestic Violence.
Carroll County is a community that cares. Safety was provided for 51 individuals with orders of protection in the past year. 300 hours of counseling was provided to adults and children living with domestic violence in their lives. And over 700 hours of legal system support was provided to victims of domestic violence through Riverview Center this year.
Riverview Center is a small part in the big picture of safety, care, and support in Carroll County. Our county’s law enforcement, legal system, and medical clinics are continually striving to find safer and more victim-centered ways to provide support.
I am honored to live and work in a community that promotes safety and supports our domestic violence and sexual assault organization. Riverview Center is sponsoring a candlelight vigil on Thursday, October 20th at 7pm in front of the Courthouse stairs in Mt. Carroll, IL. Please come and show your support.
If you or someone you know needs help with domestic violence or sexual assault, please call us. All of our services are free and confidential. Domestic Violence Hotline: Sexual Assault Hotline: or at www.rivercenter.org.
Diane Heath
Mount Carroll, IL
On Steve Jobs, Roseanne Barr, and the Wall Street Mob
By Dr. Paul Kengor
I got a double shock Thursday morning when I turned on my radio. “Steve Jobs has passed away,” I heard a DJ remark. “That’s a shame.”
Yes, it is a shame. I was saddened to hear that.
I was equally shocked as I turned the dial and heard something even more deadly. It was a comment from actress/comedienne Roseanne Barr, literally calling for the death of certain wealthy Americans.
“I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty,” said the comedienne, who did not appear to be joking. “I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million.”
Joining her comrades in the “Occupy Wall Street” protest in Manhattan, the celebrity prattled on, pressing for a modern made-in-America version of Mao’s and Pol Pot’s re-education camps: “And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the re-education camps and if that doesn’t help, then being beheaded.”
Roseanne’s Robespierre-like sentiments seemed especially cruel in light of the death of Steve Jobs. Consider: Jobs was worth billions of dollars. Would he be exempt from what the bloody French revolutionaries once termed the National Razor? Jobs was a not banker, but he was obscenely rich, which, truth be told, is the ultimate sin in the minds of Roseanne and the zealots.
Sure, sure. I hear the criticism: Come on, Kengor, Roseanne Barr is a crackpot.
Well, indeed, that’s apparently the case. But Roseanne’s rant against the rich seems a fitting apotheosis to the anarchical madness on display on Wall Street and elsewhere by the “Days of Rage” gang.
To be sure, I doubt the marchers would be willing to escort American bankers to the chopping block. That said, they and Roseanne share some crucial, unifying commonalities. First and foremost, they are united by an utter, unhealthy contempt for wealthy people, and would be happy to take as much money from the wealthy as humanly possible. Moreover, en masse, they demonize a faceless enemy. “The rich” is a handy caricature for whatever assortment of injustices these people believe ails them.
And that brings me back to Steve Jobs.
In fact, Steve Jobs was among “the rich.” It is the likes of Jobs that have given these folks the pleasures and creature comforts they enjoy minute to minute. These alleged oppressed masses issue their talking points from the cell-phone world that capitalism and the likes of Jobs have given them.
There is something comically ludicrous about a throng of ranting, raving, raging college kids slurping Starbucks and staring into I-phones while angrily protesting the very system that made it all possible in the first place. Even the mob’s ability to turn out the mob is made possible by this system. The children are spurning the mother that gave them birth.
Well, Steve Jobs existed. As co-founder and CEO of Apple, he changed the world for the better. The Wall Street “occupiers” are exploiting the technology that he helped create.
What the Wall Street horde and Roseanne do not understand is that in America people generally get rich by providing a product or service that people want. Sure, there are exceptions. Some get wealthy by promulgating vice instead of virtue—witness the porn industry’s parasitical attachment to Jobs’ technology industry. Some are rich because they inherited the money—witness the Kennedy family. By and large, however, “the rich” earn their riches through the consent of millions of citizens who voluntarily purchase products and service through their own free will. That is called the free market; it is the opposite of the command economy.
The failure of young people to know the difference is yet another failure of this nation’s horrendous educational system, and especially our bankrupt universities—bankrupt, that is, morally, certainly not financially. The universities that have mis-educated the mob charge far higher fees than any Bank of America ATM.
Roseanne and the mob do not understand this country and its market system. Neither is perfect, nor are the wealthy people they produce. You are, however, free here—and free to keep the wealth you earn.
Steve Jobs understood. May he rest in peace.
- Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College and executive director of The Center for Vision & Values. His books include “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism” and his latest release, “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.”
“Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.”
Ronald Reagan
“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”
Thomas Paine
Capitol Report
By Jim Sacia, State Representative, 89th District
It scares the H___ out of me! If you haven’t followed the news, spreading across the nation are anti-capitalism rallies in our major cities. It’s huge in New York City on Wall Street. It’s costing the taxpayers large sums of money in police crowd control alone.
If you watch the mob scenes and listen to the interviews, I believe your reactions would be much like mine. It gives credibility to a phrase being heard more and more – “class warfare”. I don’t see Wall Street or capitalism or democracy as evil. They were certainly at least okay when the economy was holding its own. More and more they are being portrayed as the evil “haves” in a society full of “have-nots”. It angers me most because capitalists are the job creators and I number myself among them. No, I’m not the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation getting a multi- million dollar bonus, but I am a job creator.
Recently, visiting with a good friend, Ernie Johnson a teacher at Winnebago High School, I shared with him the growth of our farm equipment business. I explained to Ernie that my wife, my son, and I had a vision. We did not ask for, nor did we receive any government help. We simply dug in and chased the American dream. That would be democracy. We are reasonably successful thanks to the ten good people whose backs the business has been built on. Thanks to them I can devote all of my time to being your state representative.
My point to Ernie was anyone can do what I have done. His response somewhat took me back. He said “no they couldn’t”. I do get his point. Many do not wish to risk so much in an effort to create something. I can accept and respect that. I refuse however to vilify large corporations who provide millions of jobs in our society.
Recently, at a family function, a relative stated that our problems are caused by republicans who want profit and are greedy. Here we go again, it’s the old republicans that are the haves and the democrats are the have-nots. Unquestionably democrats control as much wealth as republicans and the sooner we bury the divisiveness the class warfare thing will go away.
Sadly though it’s not going away! We are becoming more and more polarized. “The government is there to take care of me (socialism) and those evil capitalists are standing in the way” seems to be the battle cry. Whatever happened to “this is America”? - The freest most wonderful country in the world. Where is the attitude? – “I can make it on my own. I don’t need the government”.
Friedrich Hayek wrote a great book, “The Road to Serfdom”. A quote from the book that truly resonates – “Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
I see us more and more on a road to socialism and serfdom and frankly folks, it scares the H___ out of me.
As always, you can reach me, Sally or Barb at or e-mail us at . You can also visit my website at www.jimsacia.com. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.