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Family Escapes Lanark House Fire

Fire 404 S Broad 4-6-12.tif

The garage and back of the home at 404 S. Broad, completely engulfed in flames.

LANARK – An early morning fire at the home of Jeff Stern, 404 S. Broad St. in Lanark, reportedly started in the garage at around 2 am Sunday, May 6, 2012.

Neighbor Mike Feltmeyer was the first to make the 911 call after he and his wife, Darcie, heard what they thought sounded like hail hitting the vehicles. That sound was actually the fire popping in the garage. When they realized it was a fire, Mike ran to notify the Sterns. Several explosions later, the fire destroyed two vehicles, the garage, the back of the home, and melted siding in the neighbors garage to the west. The home also had extensive smoke damage.

There were no injuries. The Lanark Fire Dept. and Ambulance were assisted by the Chadwick, Shannon, and Milledgeville Fire Departments, Lanark Police Dept., and the CC Sheriff’s Dept.

Video is shown below.

Fire 404 S Brd firemen 4-6-12.tif

Lanark firemen douse the blaze, as the Shannon Hook & Ladder truck extends to the roof of the home.
(PA photos/Tom Kocal)


