Milledgeville Pee Wee’s Ashton Nobis takes a big cut at a pitch during last Wednesday’s action in Lanark. The Milledgeville squad fell to Lanark1 13-11. (PA photo/Craig Lang)
Lanark1’s Riley McKenna keeps his eye on the pitch as he takes a big swing during last Wednesday’s Pee Wee action at EHS. The Lanark1 team took the game by two runs. (PA photo/Craig Lang)
SPORTS . . .
How Things Have Changed - Part 2
1901: Catchers were compelled to remain continuously under the bat.
1904: The height of the pitcher’s mound was limited to 15” higher than the level of the baselines or home plate.
Pitchers are prohibited from soiling a new baseball.
1908: The sacrifice fly rule is adopted.
1910: The cork center is added to the official baseball.
1917: The spitball is outlawed
1920: A base runner may not run the bases in reverse order.
Runs batted in are included in the official score.
1925: The minimum home run distance is set at 250 feet.
Pitchers are allowed to use the rosin bag.
1935: The first night game is played on May 24th in Cincinnati.
The first umpire school is opened in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
1953: Players are to remove their gloves from the field when at bat and no equipment is to show on the field at any time.
1959: Minimum boundaries are set for all new ball parks – 325’-400’-325’.
1969: The pitcher’s mound is dropped 5 inches.
The save rule for relief pitcher’s is added.
1971: Protective helmets are to be worn by all batters.
1973: The designated hitter rule is added by the American League on a three year trial basis. The National League opposes the rule.
1974: Baseballs are permitted to be covered in cowhide because of the shortage of horses.
1976: The designated hitter rule becomes permanent in the American League. The National League still opposes the rule.
1988: Protective helmets become mandatory for all catchers.