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This Week

Soubrette. Ingenue. Those two words went out of fashion years ago. If being used at all in the theatrical world today it would be seldom or merely as a description of a particular role. Actresses in the modern day are rarely soubrette or ingenue!

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Mallard Fest Fun Photos

Young and old alike
enjoyed the days festivities.

Video by Andrew Williamson
Produced by Brent Simmons


Auctioneer Frank Tipton volunteered his services for the Ducks Unlimited Auction.

Kids and kids at heart danced with Leo, the Mallardfest mascot.

"Hanover's Stimulus Package" singing the blues.

The Mallardfest Golf Challenge concluded in a 3-way finale.

Ahh, the sweet sound of duck calls wafted through the air at Mallardfest.

Great food was enjoyed by all.

A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon - Mallardfest with family and friends!

Aunt Anna Pintozzi helps her nieces, Vindi and Bailey of Hanover, during the Pumpkin Coloring Contest. Also, be sure to visit for exclusive video of the Mallardfest Parade and more from White Park. (Prairie Advocate Photos by Tom Kocal - Video by Andrew Williamson)
