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There's a pig in my pizza

Ag in the classroom



"There's A Pig In My Pizza" program is a clever way to teach children how agricultural products, such as wheat, vegetables, corn, soybean, dairy products, beef, and of course, pork, find their way from the farm to the store. The program is an Ag In The Classroom project through the Carroll and Ogle County Farm Bureaus, and the Ogle Co. U of I Extension, with Melinda Charbonneau, Ag Literacy Coordinator. West Carroll 3rd-graders participated on Tuesday, Sept. 16, at the Carroll County Fairgrounds, while Chadwick-Milledgeville and Eastland 3rd-graders went Wednesday.

See more on the front page photo here.

Ag in the Classroom

(Top) Eastland FFA members (l to r) Renee Palmer, Dan Schoeninger, Toni Cline, and Jordan Price talk about corn to Mrs. Engelkins' class. Photographer Justin Santa Cruz documented the event for the EFFA. (Right) Shelbie Preston, with Mrs. Lamoreaux's Eastland 3rd grade class, finds out where Velvetleaf gets its name - it's very soft and, well, velvety! The program about vegetables was presented by Sara Runyan of the FFA. (PA photos & video/Tom Kocal)

Ag in the Classroom


