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"Cranberry, or bearberry (because bears use much to feed upon them), is a small, trayling plant that grows in salt marshes that are overgrown with moss. The tender branches, which are reddish, run out in great length lying flat on the ground ... The leaves are like box, but greener thick and glistening. The blossoms are very like the flowers of our English night-shade; after which succeed the berries, hanging by long, small foot-stalks no bigger than a hair. At first they are of a pale-yellow colour; afterward red and as big as a cherry ... Of a sower, astringent taste. They are excellent against the scurvy. They are good to allay the fervour of hot diseases. The Indians and English use them much, boyling them with sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a delicate sauce especially with roasted mutton."

John Josselyn -"New England's Rarities Discovered," 1672.

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