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Village of Shannon Briefs

The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Shannon met in regular session on Tuesday October 4, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at Village Hall to discuss any and all business that might come before them.

Attending were President Bonnie Foust; Trustees present: Meinders, Stevens, Gaul, Lessman, Curtis, & Alvey; Employees present: Alexander, Demichele, and Randall; Others present: Atty. Kipp Meyers, Renee Kilker, Adam Holder, Fehr-Graham, Carl Berg and Mike Mudge, Rock River Energy Services, Dennis Pate and Larry Moring, Moring Disposal.

There was one building permit issued to Mike & Gayle Hall, at 105 E. Division Rd, for a 20’ x 16’ wooden deck.

Adam Holder of Fehr-Graham had paperwork completed that required Foust’s signature for the $50,000 capital improvement grant.

The September 2011 water report showed pump #1 pumping 1,675,100 gal/mo, and pump #2 pumping 1,942,800 gal/mo, for a total of 3,617,900 gal/mo.

The September wastewater treatment plant report showed 2,212,940 gallons treated, an average of 73,765 gal/day, a maximum of 245,650 gal/day, and a minimum of 40,960 gal/day.

Jason gave the maintenance department report and informed the board that there was a water main break near the Baptist Church. He is flushing fire hydrants soon, the aerator warranty repair is completed, and leaf pick up begins October 11.

The September 2011 police report showed 3 traffic citations, 5 verbal warnings, 9 complaints, 5 service calls, 3 parking tickets, 896.6 miles driven, 122.9 gallons fuel used, 168 full time hours, and 140.5 part time hours worked.

Renee Kilker would like something more done about the speeders on Stanton St. She was at a meeting about 3 months ago and complained at that time, but does not feel that enough was done. She also wanted to know which trustees are on which committees. There is a list posted at the Village Hall with those assignments. Chief Randall will step up patrols on Stanton Street.

A motion by Curtis, 2nd by Gaul, “to approve the expenditure of $7000 to replace two fire hydrants in need of repair located at the corners of Kennedy and Division, and N. Badger and Linn St.” All present voted yea.

Dennis Pate and Larry Moring addressed the board concerning the new garbage contract and possibly adding the use of toters for recycling and garbage. Moring Disposal will put together a formal contract with terms outlined and send it to Atty. Meyers for review. The Board will review and vote on it at the next board meeting. So far, the Board is in favor of switching to a toter system.

Sharon Pepin will be back at the November board meeting to work on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

There will be a liquor commission meeting on Monday October 10 at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

There will be a finance committee meeting on Wednesday October 19th at 6:30 pm at Village Hall.

Meyers will work on drafting a municipal aggregation ordinance that if passed will allow us to hold a referendum on the March ballot for city wide choice of electric service providers.

There being no further business to come before the board, a motion by Stevens, 2nd by Alvey, “to adjourn.” all present voted yea.

Denise Bormann,
Village Clerk
