Morrison Learns of
$20-mil Increase in Water Treatment Plant Cost Estimate
By LYNNETTE FORTH | For The Prairie Advocate News
MORRISON – Morrison city council members met on June 10th, 2013 in the Whiteside County Board room for a regular meeting. The agenda for the evening was quite lengthy, and included many issues.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, resident Nancy Anderson spoke to the council, thanking the city and Gary Tresenriter for the assistance provided to the Community Garden plots.
Wendy Gallentine, of Heroes Tap, encouraged the council to reconsider allowing bars to have Sunday hours, which would provide additional revenue to the city. Mayor Everett Pannier noted that he would try to get the issue put onto the next agenda for discussion.
Lastly in public comment, council members heard from Jerry Stewart, who questioned when the property at 703-705 West Morris would be taken down. Public Works Director Gary Tresenriter informed the council that hopefully, grant money will be awarded to assist in the financial part of the work, because there is asbestos that is very costly to remove.
A report from the planning and zoning commission was reviewed, which stated that the next meeting is currently scheduled for June 26th, at 6:00 p.m.
Tresenriter told council members that painting and cleaning of the water tower is scheduled to begin in early July. City water pumps will also be tested to monitor the pressures, to ensure that residents will have a good water supply during the cleaning.
Mayor Pannier informed those present that the City will be posting a job advertisement to replace former City Administrator Jim Wise in July. Pannier also reported that he is still talking with representatives from MediaCom about the problems with the airing of City Council meetings on television.
A budget meeting has been scheduled for July 1st, 2013. This will be open to the public, and will only cover budget training, and provide information to the Aldermen.
The revised contract with the Library is still waiting to be approved by the Library board, and will then need to be brought back to the council for their approval.
Discussion is ongoing between the City and the Illinois Department of Transportation regarding the convenience store proposed for the South side of town.
A presentation was given by Baxter and Woodman on the Waste Water Treatment Plant, informing the council that cost for the project has gone up a very large amount from the proposed amount of $3,400,000 in 2007. The estimate was for repairs, but the new cost is for a new plant at the cost of $23,000,000. The cost increase will affect resident water bills over the next five years.
Resident Jerry Stewart questioned if the new increases will be above the current increases, and was told “yes”. Phil Bramm asked if residents should expect to see a charge for a service debt onto their monthly bills also, and was told “yes, no matter what”.
The consent agenda included: May 28th, 2013 regular session minutes (removed); Bills Payable ($169,345.35-approved); Request for rezoning Cozzie Corners on Meadowbrook Drive (approved); Ordinance #13-14-request to rezone Meadowbrook Drive (approved); Request for special use-Cozzie Corners (approved); Ordinance #13-13-Request for special use-Cozzie Corners (approved); Request for rezone-GCI Assisted Living Center-Scenic St. (approved); Ordinance #13-15-request for rezone-Scenic Street (approved)
Resolution #13-04-Antique Tractor Drive-road closures on August 12th (approved); Ordinance #13-16-Prevailing wage (approved); Ordinance #13-18-employment of Dave Helms-mowing for the city (approved).
Items for consideration and possible action included: Approve partial payment to D.J.Sickley Construction for work on Well #3-$66,228.64 (approved); Change order #2 for Baxter and Woodman Amending Contract Time (approved); Ordinance #13-18-authorize rebuilding of Well #3 pumping equipment for purpose of reinstalling into Well #4, and waiver of necessary bid requirements due to limited availability of qualified contractors and time to get work completed (forthcoming); Approval for Alderman to be under employment with the City (approved).