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Munyon Addresses Agenda 21, Common Core


Marv Munyon (R), founder of Wisconsin Capitol Watch and Steve Kauffeld distribute information before the NITP meeting September 19 in Rockton. (PA photo/Tom Kocal)

Northern Illinois Tea Party held a press conference, Thursday Sept. 19, featuring Marv Munyon, founder of Wisconsin Capitol Watch, an entertaining and informative speaker on the topic of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a United Nations program now being imple- mented in European countries and in the U.S. Munyon said that while the preservation of the environ- ment is a laudable goal, Agenda 21, when closely examined, is incompatible with the American spirit of individual freedom and responsibility. “Personal property rights, a foundation principle of the Founders, takes serious blows under Agenda 21.”
Munyon said the plan includes large reductions in population, reclamation of human habitable lands for animals, reduced con- sumption of meats, greatly reduced car driving, and stackable housing in large cities for the population. A United States “Biodiversity map” shows the much reduced popula- tion living essentially in large cities on both coasts, with large areas, currently populated by humans, devoted to wildlife. Carbon taxes are part of the plan, which will not reduce carbon emissions, but will penalize countries with actual manufacturing, i.e., the Western world.
In addition to his efforts moni- toring political and legislative events in Wisconsin’s capitol, Munyon is a member of a Fort Atkinson based group, Rock River Patriots. He has been studying the topic of Agenda 21 for some time, and has found that the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), being implemented in schools in 45 states, has common- ality with the goals of Agenda 21.
