The Objective:� To encourage and foster� music education among the youth of Dalaguete, Cebu, so that this becomes a springboard for a valuable and honorable way of life.� Also, to teach discipline, perseverance and focus through music skills training as well as instill the� practice of high standards of professionalism. In general, to inculcate� the ideals of education to improve the lives of� the youth in the town.
The Mission:� To help the youth of Delaguete attain education and success through music.
The Vision:� To build the Dalaguete Music Institute
Please help bring the gift of music to the children of Dalaguete.
News Flash! DMF members and volunteers donated a console piano to St. Mary's academy, one of the two high schools in Dalaguete. It is being used for the school's singing classes.A new DMF program shows a musical film to the children of Dalaguete twice a month. Further inquiries on ways to help:� email The Dalaguete Music Foundation -