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Please Don't Quote Me

By Caralee Aschenbrenner

The History Channel on television emphasizes that “History is Made Everday.” Signs of the Times, an idea we’ve used before, reminds us of that. Usually they are pleasant comment. Here are a few new ones we’ve come across. Do you have one to lend? It could be anything, such as “Horse Feeds,” a day in the past. Blackstone Tire, too, goes ‘wa-a-a-ay back. Does “Seed Cleaning” announce what’s going on inside?

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The signs announcing the basics painted on exterior brick buildings is nearly a thing of the past. Gold Medal Flour could be found on sides of barns or the hardware store. Lanark recently lost their’s in a cover up.

The “Coffee Cup Restaurant” has to have been inspired by the Space Age when Sputnik and Rocket Launch were on our lips everyday ... when? The Sities? The long building has black lettering announcing “Crossroads MTD” painted directly on it. We’re not certain what it means but the camera got there just after the noon sun had lit it up for photographing. Sorry!

Fish R Us, Piknik (sic) and the election sign on the side of the corn crib that looks much like a giant tag advertising recent political races and activities are part of the present. All signs from every era remind us that we ARE making history every day. Keep it up.


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