There he goes again, calling his long-time constituents in JDC “Liars” (Capitol comments, Nov. 10, 2010 by Jim Sacia)
It IS time more of us took a stand! It is time we respond appropriately to such self-aggrandizing cheap shots that come under the misleading claim of being capitol reports. Jim Sacia, like the bulies who led the “Red Scare” of the 1950s, is NOT moved by facts. He clearly is willing to twist evidence to suit his pre-decided purpose. He simply dismisses well-esablished facts on the adverse outcomes of industrial-size animal operations located over karst in this climate as “hocus-pocus.” He offers NO reliable information his “extensive” research into megadairy culture. He only assures us that “not one has let [him] down.” (I’ll bet they didn’t and I am not referring to legitimate agriculture practices.)
Jim Sacia appears to believe that calling some conscientious and concerned citizens a “small vocal group” is sufficient to discredit what they say. Thankfully, in some areas of the country, thoughtful people are aware of how much credit should be given to self-interested politicians. As for me, I’d rather have a small, informed, and honest group of concerned citizens telling me the facts (which, in turn, would suggest how I think.) You make it clear, Mr. Sacia, that we cannot rely upon you for integrity and concern for your long-time constituents’ best interest. You evidently have been holding your nose while you do what you are doing. Otherwise, you could smell what anyone else smells when they visit an industrial animal-use facility (or hear a disingenuous politician). It isn’t subtle! We must fervently continue informing enough people in Jim Sacia’s district so that they can recognize him for what he is before he helps ruin everything that has made JDC desirable in the past.
By the way, “Representative” Sacia, why has JDC lost so many family dairies under your administration? Why are you NOT working for your existing constituents (whom you are sworn to represent in good faith), to help restore their economic viability, to help maintain safe farming practices in JDC, to assure that we keep our clean water and remain stewards of our beautiful land?
Furthermore, since you assert without offering valid evidence that “regulatory agencies would not allow . . . anything less than environmentally perfect,” then it must be time for the Department of Health to force you to fix your leaking and polluting waste system. A properly functioning septic system does not pollute, regardless of whether certain entities can coerce or pay professional engineers (and other disingenuous persons) to “state as fact” points that are misleading and sometimes out and out lies.
Patricia O’Neill
Hanover, IL
Forced Unionization
Our sources on Capitol Hill have told us that Senator Harry Reid will be filing a motion today on S. 3194 – better known as the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill – to force a cloture vote after the Thanksgiving holiday, making it almost inevitable that a vote will be taking place during the “lame duck” Congressional session.
As the Washington Post editorial board noted on June 16, 2010 (“Congress should let states handle their own labor relations”), this bill is simply bad policy that this country does not need right now. Editorial boards from across the country, from the Denver Post to the Virginian-Pilot, have come out against this bill.
Please consider running a house editorial against this draconian bill, as forcing this bill through Congress at the last minute is not what Americans voted for on November 2nd.
For your convenience, here is a list of 10 reasons why the bill is harmful:
Monopoly union bargaining is unfair to independent-minded employees who want nothing to do with the union;
Union boss-ordered strikes can leave people who need assistance in a very dangerous or potentially deadly situation, endangering public safety;
It is best to allow state government and communities to decide their own labor relations, this bill would change law in at least 25 states;
The bill is an unfunded mandate on state and local governments;
In states without Right to Work laws, workers would be forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment;
Union bosses notoriously want to eliminate volunteer fire departments (IAFF union bosses prohibit “two-hatters” – even those who are not union members – and punish firefighters that do), which is often the only line of defense for many small communities;
Costly work rules and lack of flexibility in union contracts could hamper public safety efforts and finances as government officials would need permission from union boss to respond to certain situations;
The increased costs could lead to bankruptcy for states and local municipalities, as we are seeing in various cities across the country from Vallejo, California to Hamtramck, Michigan;
Union bosses claim that it would provide a “national standard” that can be used to push forced unionization of all public-sector employees;
This bill would increase cost to taxpayers as private-sector employees’ tax burden for compensation of state and local public employees have been rising far more rapidly than private-sector employees’ compensation.
Anthony Riedel
National Right to Work
Unfair Tax Cuts
The Tea Party/Republican leaders, knowing very well that their followers will believe anything they say, continue to push for tax cuts for the rich while whining about the National deficit. Any reasonable person should understand that there is a conflict with these two issues. By keeping the tax cut for the top 2%, which represent the richest Americans, the debt will increase by $700 Billion dollars over ten years – that is, adding $70 Billion dollars annually to the deficit. Yet, the Tea Party/Republicans continue to push for this. Now I understand why most of the debt has been created during Republican administrations! At this time, the leadership is not talking about how to pay for this tax cuts. Perhaps they’ll try to pay for this debt by cutting other programs that may be helpful to the rest of the country or maybe just add the cost to the National Debt. Regardless, this extension of the tax cuts for the richest Americans will cost us $700 Billion.
With the help from the Tea Party/Republicans, the rich will continue to get richer while the middle class, the poor and the elderly continue their downward slide into an economic underclass. I wonder how most of us would feel living in a third world country where a small minority of people enjoys the fruits of everyone else’s labors.
Paul Gonzalez
Lake Carroll, IL
Call For Transparency
Local elections for school boards and other local governing bodies are April 5th. You must pick up your packets now and have your petitions signed and filed between Dec. 13 and the 20th.
The Stephenson CountyTea Party helped get some good conservatives on the county board and we will help you if you have a backbone and say no to tax and spend increases and yes to transparency.
The Stephenson County Tea Party wants transparency. We will work with board members who will work with us to make transparency a reality. We must say NO to new projects like rural transportation. I don’t care if there is a grant. The true costs almost always exceed the grant amount. Mill Race Crossing is a sterling example of that fact. Government union workers currently sway many of our elected officials’ vote and we are seeing government employee pay and pension increases – even though the general public and small businesses can’t afford it. 61% of your taxes go into education. Private sector Stephenson county full time workers over 50 years of age, on a average make $2500 per month. The average pay for the top 50 teachers and administrators in Stephenson county is over $8400 per month.
The foxes are watching the hen house. We need more leaders like Gov. Chris Christie of N.J. and Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana who will stand up to the government unions. Get off your duff and run for a board position. We will help you! We have Tea Party members in counties other than Stephenson who will work with you also. We read Freeport wants a 20% plus increase to pay gold plated pensions. See for more information on IL. government pay and pensions.
Our real estate values go down and our taxes keep going up. Enjoy your new real estate tax increases. It will get worse before it gets better if you don’t get involved. Support the Stephenson County Tea Party, .
Bill Dietz
Lena IL
Humane Society Raffle
Dear Editor,
Well, it’s nearly Thanksgiving, and that means the Humane Society of Carroll County 2010 Fall Raffle will be wrapping up soon. By purchasing just one ticket, you might win one of two handmade quilts, a leather pet bed, a custom-made cat playhouse, or a medium-size collapsible wire. Tickets are one dollar each or six for five dollars and are available in Mount Carroll at the Pharmacy Center, Heritage Antique Mall, Sieverts Steaks and Stuff, Shaw’s Food Pride, da bluz . and the Vet Clinic. You will also find tickets for sale in Savanna at Ace Hardware and in Lanark at Eastland Vet Clinic.
How do we put your contributions to work? The Humane Society of Carroll County promotes responsible pet ownership through public education, supports spay/neuter services to reduce pet overpopulation, and assists with placement for homeless companion animals. We are strictly a volunteer organization, and we depend heavily on private donations from folks like you to fund our programs. And, whenever possible, we spend the money we raise within Carroll County and, thereby, help support our local economy.
Thanksgiving weekend also means the official start of the Christmas shopping season. If you’re having trouble coming up with the perfect Christmas gift for your friends or relatives, consider, before you buy them another necktie or fruit cake, making a donation in their name to the Humane Society of Carroll County. You will be giving a meaningful gift that is always the right size, requires no trips to the shopping mall, and will give you and the recipient a wonderful, warm feeling deep down inside. And, at the same time, you’ll be helping to alleviate animal suffering in Carroll County. The Humane Society, in turn, will send a certificate of appreciation to the friend or loved one whom you designate.
Please help the needy pets of Carroll County by supporting the Humane Society through your monetary gifts and by volunteering your time. Contact us through our voice mail at (815) 273-5331.
Alan E. Schroeder,
Board Member
Capitol Report
By Jim Sacia
State Representative, 89th District
Where do we go from here? We return to Veto Session November 16, 2010 (some will call it “lame duck” as it is the last two weeks before the new General Assembly is sworn in early in January 2011).
Governor Quinn has stated publicly that he sees his win as a mandate to raise your taxes. He won by one fourth of one percent of the votes cast, winning three of the one hundred two counties. Senator Brady won ninety nine counties.
I get along well with Governor Quinn. I challenge his mandate to raise your taxes. I believe my mandate is to keep your taxes low.
I already can hear the arguments, “we are among the lowest income taxing states in the nation”. True, our three percent income tax is among the lowest. Add all of Illinois onerous taxes and we are right up there with the highest taxing states.
I believe expansion of gaming will be on the table. The argument out there is thousands of Illinoisans are traveling just across the borders in Iowa and Indiana and short bus rides into Wisconsin Casinos giving those states the revenue that should be staying in Illinois.
I believe both issues will be hotly contested during veto session. A number of representatives and senators who are leaving will easily cast votes that otherwise would be hard to get.
To write about our financial crisis and methods to fix it is perhaps beating a dead horse. I continue to maintain and will strongly argue that to eliminate fraud, waste, and bloating government agencies with top heavy administrative personnel is our solution. I’ve said it before fixing those three issues can get our fiscal house in order and certainly must be addressed before talking increased taxes.
Julie Hamos, the Director of Department and Healthcare and Family Services and a good friend I worked with as a fellow state representative, has invited the entire General Assembly to a health care reform meeting on November 16, 2010. Her email to us starts off with, “After January 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will make about 700,000 more Illinoisans eligible for Medicaid by covering all people with income less than one hundred thirty three percent of the Federal Poverty level (now about $14,000 for an individual or $30,000 for a family of four)”. My question is how do we pay for this?
Medicaid is now our state’s most significant expense, recently surpassing education. It’s so important to help those in need. I get that. Tell me why we strive to rob incentives and hand out more and more.
As always, you can reach me, Sally or Barb at or e-mail us at . You can also visit my website at It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.