December 13, 2010 Morrison City Council met. Attorney Weinstine and Dave Rose were not present. Again all the seats were filled with concerned Morrison residents, 2 auditors, and reporters. Sorry, this is going to be long.
Whoa! Bills payable were-(drum roll)-$278,833.82! Baxter and Woodman, Inc, getting $10,604.25 for Well #5, SCADA system, Well #4 and general municipal services. ComEd was paid $4,280 from the motor fuel tax, IDOT-Route 30 Bridge- claimed $9,987, BlueCross BlueShield received $14,914.36 for health, dental and life insurance. The Illinois Municipal League received $89,595 for Worker’s Compensation, Liability Insurance, and General Insurance. Then $1,960 was spent for a new rifle for the Police Department. US Bank received an interest payment of $4,116.39. Bank of New York Mellon claimed $37,790.28 for an interest payment and $35,000 for the principal payment from the series 2010 Debt certificate fund.
My comment at the meeting was about the procedure to ask questions. After a month of asking questions and being told there was a procedure to follow, not getting the procedure, then being told there never was a procedure verbally or in writing on how to ask a question to get the answer, I was told to email or write down any questions and get them to the Mayor. He will see to it that they get answered in writing in a timely manner. At this time, I have sent quite a few questions (the same ones I have asked over and over in meetings with no response) in writing to Mayor Drey.
I am trying to get a meeting with Mayor Drey and Jim Dubois to go over Jim’s Income Statement for the Sport Complex from November-mistakes were found that need to be addressed. If we let small mistakes go-without taking care of them-they become like a large boil-they fester and continue to grow.
Harvey Zuidema asked how much actual money is in the account for Morrison. He pointed out that the treasurer’s report has an error concerning the Revolving Loan Fund amount. The council stated that Shelli would take care of it.
Terry Wilkens asked, in the future, if the bills payable could show what % of the budget is already used. He also had other financial concerns.
The auditors gave a report. I was surprised that none of the council had any questions. There have been quite a few mistakes but I am not sure what the auditors really audit. Of course, that would have been for 2009-2010, not this year.
Barb Bees and Gary Tresenriter went over the spread sheet budget revisions. They are trying to correct mistakes. They found Sport Complex information on the sheet 2 times. Also, there were many things not debited right-how long was this going on?? Why weren’t these mistakes found a long time ago? Didn’t anyone check out anything? We don’t need any more items festering and causing issues. Also, because the budget is already into the ninth month-we have already spent our revenue up to April 2011 when the new budget begins.
We are looking at lots of work to be done with Water and Sewer in the future. In the planning stage is a new Well and well house at French Creek Park, work on the well and electrical at Kelly Park and the East end water loop with an extension to the industrial park, Sawyer Road and back into town. Also, an extension from Scenic to Melody Court and back to Scenic is another project. They will be letting bids. We are counting on a 20 year loan at 1 ¼ % interest and that 25% of the loan should be forgiven. Sounds good! Lots of “IF’s” going on. We all know the city needs work done in the water and sewer department. How much have we saved up from our hike on our water bills??
The December 28th meeting is cancelled. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. See you all in the New Year at the next Morrison City Council Meeting on January 10, 2011.
Let’s “Get Morrison back on track and in the black!”
A Morrison Taxpayer
Marti Wood
Money for Strays, Not a Garage
Dear Editor,
In response to Mick Parson’s CC Hwy.Committee Notes, Dec. 15th, I would like to address the plans and ideas of Joe Grimm, Animal Control Officer. The Pet Population Control fund which currently has over $10,000.00 accumulated that Grimm doesn’t feel should go for neutering because it hardly happens that a request is made for help. Has any effort been made to make people aware that this money is available? Our organization currently owes Eastland Vet close to $1000.00 for neutering animals in this county. Can we get some help with this bill before Grimm builds a garage for his truck? If cats have to freeze outside, so can Grimm’s truck. I know a farmer who has 56 cats breeding on his farm because he can’t afford to have them neutered. Is this program a secret?
Grimm also has the ability to get free pet food. We spend hundreds every month on pet food because we are still waiting for our NFP status. Grimm has told me he will not help us and I was never to call him or email him again. Grimm shares his food with the HSCC. According to the rules that Purina has for donation food, only shelters qualify. Why then does Grimm deny us help and give this food to the HSCC, who has never had a facility?
Is the welfare of animals in this county based on cliques and politics or concern and compassion? Why is so much power given to a county employee (Grimm) who clearly cares more about his own desires than the welfare of the animals he is suppose to be protecting?
There is a great deal of animosity about the cat population and yet those who have the ability to prevent it are looking the other way. Where is the accountability?
Lorna May
Adrianne’s Angels
St. George Pet Rescue
Capitol Report
By Jim Sacia,State Representative, 89th District
We’ve all experienced it – someone talking down to us like we don’t have the brains God gave a goose.
It raised my ire to a new high as I participated in the first meeting of the House Special Committee on Workers Compensation Reform in Chicago on December 3, 2010. This committee was formed because Illinois is out of control with our rates being at least double every neighboring state.
The first to testify was Todd Smith, President of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association. He alleges the reason for Illinois’ high rates is that over four hundred insurance companies are selling workers compensation in Illinois and he can make a good case that perhaps they are in collusion and setting high rates.
Surely I didn’t hear him right, I’ll keep my powder dry. He then tells us we are foolish to be comparing Illinois with other states. It’s an Illinois issue and we need to challenge the insurance companies. My powder is no longer dry. I seek recognition and explain to the gentleman that companies are fleeing Illinois in droves and you say we should ignore rates in other states? I hope you understand my anger and I expressed it to the gentleman.
The next to testify was Mark Flannery, Chief Legal Counsel for Caterpillar Tractor, the pride of Illinois manufacturing. Caterpillar is self insured he tells the committee. He explains that Caterpillar has major manufacturing in thirty states. If they are self insured so much for collusion. He tells us there are identical engine plants with identical safety records and size in Illinois and Indiana. Workers compensation is seven times more expensive in Illinois than Indiana. Isn’t that shameful?
Doug Whitley, President of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, testifies that Illinois has lost 500,000 workers in the past ten years. Katrina Zitnik, Director of Workers Compensation for Costco Corporation, testifies they are also self insured. They are a nationwide corporation with workers compensation costs in Illinois more than double any other state in the union.
Micaela Cassidy, Vice President for Cassidy Brothers Construction, testifies as does Dave Rock, the President of IHC Construction Company. Both share stories of how their companies have been held to ridiculous payouts.
We hear from Michael Carrigan, President of the AFL-CIO, Mark Poulos of Operating Engineers Local 150 and Eric Dean Iron Workers District Council of Chicago. They testify of “some sort of perceived problem” and share an article where American Business is experiencing their best profits ever. If that is true, it obviously hasn’t happened in Illinois and since when does profitability of a company have anything to do with workers compensation costs?
Michael McRaith, Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance testified that Illinois insurance rates for workers compensation are forty fifth in the nation for profitability. Collusion? I don’t think so.
Unquestionably there are many legitimate claims. We gather for more information in Bloomington on December 15, 2010. The late great humorist W. C. Fields once said “I went to Philadelphia once but it was closed.” If we don’t fix this monster, the humor will be gone and that will be reality in Illinois.
To all of you a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.
As always, you can reach me, Sally or Barb at or e-mail us at . You can also visit my website at It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.