Your Papers Please!
Someone please call Paul Gonzalez a waaaambulance before he hyperventilates by believing misguided and disingenuous information put forth by the failing Obama Administration and Dept. of Justice. Hate to break it to Paul but everyone is required to produce their “papers” each and every single day. Examples:
Did you buy your home in Lake Carroll? You had to show your “papers”!
Do you have a job? You had to show your ”papers”!
Have you been to a doctor’s office or hospital? You had to show your “papers”!
Do you have children that attended school? You had to show their “papers”!
Did you attend college? You had to show your “papers”!
Did you obtain a driver’s license? You had to show your “papers”!
Have you been pulled over for speeding or other traffic violations? You had to show your “papers”!
Have you boarded a plane or a train? You had to show your papers!
Have you picked up a prescription that happened to be a narcotic? You had to show your “papers”!
Donated blood? You had to show your “papers”!
The hypocrisy concerning Arizona’s SB 1070 is coming straight from Obama and Company and leftist loons in the lamestream media, not Fox News or talk radio. Fox News Channel is the most balanced news channel available today and their ratings prove it. Over 10 years being the number one cable news channel speaks volumes. Sorry the majority of Americans don’t subscribe to MSNBC or the Communist News Network. Now there is propaganda for you! Americans like to know the truth, which is one more reason Fox is number one for news. They report and WE decide.
What the DOJ should be concerning themselves with is suing all of the states that have “Sanctuary City” protections for illegal immigrants. Now that’s real Hypocrisy! Those sanctuary cities are actively and willfully violating Federal immigration laws, not Arizona, and yet there has been no lawsuit filed against Chicago, Milwaukee, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and the hundreds of other localities with Sanctuary policies. Hmmmm, is that not hypocrisy? Why no outrage there?
I wonder how poor Danielle Bologna in San Francisco (Sanctuary city) feels after her husband and two sons were gunned down in cold blood by a repeat offender who also happened to be an illegal immigrant? That murderous thug had been arrested repeatedly for very violent crimes, and what did San Francisco do each time they arrested him? They didn’t follow federal law and contact ICE officials to deport him! Instead they let him out on low bail and returned him to the streets to cause more mayhem and mass murder. Now Danielle has no family, they have been ripped away in the most heinous manner possible! Where is her justice?
The violence, drug runners, coyotes, kidnappers, and murderous monsters are the greatest reason why Arizona had no choice but to implement their own version of federal law to get a handle on the violence that plagues their state. The Feds REFUSE to do their job! Why are the Feds so derelict in their duty to protect and defend this nation? Why is this administration race baiting? I thought we had Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for that.
Illegal immigration is a real problem that we need real solutions to, and yet, this is something that people like Paul Gonzalez will never admit. They are ideologues and all that matters to them is protecting law breakers and trying to play the race card. I wonder what happened to the rights of law abiding ranchers trying to defend their land against infiltrators. The violence that is spilling over our Southern border is very real and it’s not going away any time soon especially if we wait for Obama to act. I will believe the feigned outrage from the Left when they start thinking and caring about the victims of Illegal immigrants first and ID cards last.
Kathy Hood
Chadwick, IL
Springfield and Rock Island County Suffer From Same Disease
Last week, Illinois heard a tale with a locally familiar ring. Governor Pat Quinn has given out more raises to members of his staff than he has staff members. He did this while the chasm in Illinois’ budget gaped to $13 billion, our unfunded pension liability ballooned past the $60 billion mark, and our worst-in-the-nation bond rating slid into a slot between Iceland and Iraq.
Where I live, it reopened the wound of the Rock Island County Board’s attempt to give 12.5% pay raises to incoming elected officials while asking the rest of the staff to tighten their belts…or worse.
I am not suggesting that public employees should work unpaid or that raises are never appropriate. However, granting raises to elected officials and gubernatorial staff when government’s financial house is collapsing is as revealing as it is reprehensible.
These acts have demonstrated that our state and local governments suffer from the same disease: insular arrogance contracted through too much time in office and one party rule. Thankfully, the Rock Island County Board heard the roar of the people and rescinded the raises. Now, Springfield must learn its lesson from Rock Island County. At election time, let’s replace the Springfield cronies of the Chicago machine. Let’s vote in new faces with common sense voices. This November, let’s make Illinois great again.
Rich Morthland
Candidate for State Representative
District 71
NAACP Taken to Task
The RockfordTeaParty has joined with the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition, who created the following Resolution in Condemning the NAACP:
RockfordTeaParty Resolution
July 12, 2010
Whereas, the National Coalition for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded to advance the position of minority groups, and
Whereas a hallmark of the NAACP has been to do the important work of identifying and exposing remaining vestiges of racism and discrimination, and
Whereas the NAACP vocally stands against the discriminatory and harmful practice of labeling people with a broad brush, and
Whereas the NAACP decided to launch their 101st National Convention with a resolution condemning the Tea Party movement and labeling millions of their fellow Americans who subscribe to the movement as “racists”, and
Whereas the “Tea Party movement” is a label applied to patriotic Americans who have expressed their political free speech in the grand tradition of all that is American, that being the spirited expression of viewpoints in a 100% peaceful manner, and
Whereas, it is a hallmark of America that we settle our disputes civilly and avoid the gutter tactic of attempting to silence opponents by inflammatory name-calling, and
Whereas the very term “racist” has diminished meaning due to its overuse by political partisans including members of the NAACP, and
Whereas, the NAACP had an opportunity to preserve some semblance of legitimacy by standing up for Ken Gladney, the victim of a vicious racist battery conducted by a black avowed communist, even labeling him an “Uncle Tom”, but chose instead to use the opportunity to mock the St. Louis Tea Party, and
Whereas, the NAACP has refused to denounce the New Black Panther’s call to murder white cops, white Americans and their babies, and
Whereas, the NAACP does its entire membership a grave disservice by hypocritically engaging in the very conduct it purports to oppose,
Now therefore be it resolved that the Rockford Tea Party joins the St. Louis Tea Party to condemn the NAACP for lowering itself to the dishonorable position of a partisan political attack dog organization, and,
Be it further resolved that the RockfordTeaParty joins the St. Louis Tea Party calling on similar organizations to join in unanimous condemnation of this despicable behavior, and
Be it further resolved that we demand that the NAACP withdrawal their bigoted, false and inflammatory resolution against the tea party for any further consideration, and
Be it further resolved that these organizations call on the Internal Revenue Service to evenly apply their standards and consider the tax-exempt status of the NAACP considering the degree to which they are engaging in habitual partisan political behavior.
Adopted unanimously, this day, July 12th, in the year of our Lord, 2010.
A copy of this resolution shall be sent immediately to the NAACP at:
The real enemies of the American people are passivity and apathy. Our protests and rallies are meant to combat that. Americans have trusted their government, who has assailed the sacred trust we handed them. Every generation must - and has - risen to speak to power, or the abuse would have gone uncontested. Our opposition will take the privilege we elected them to, beyond their limits unless we stand up and say “We object.” We’re resisting, and this fall, we will make them hear us at the polls during the non-violent, non-bloody revolution at the polls. It will be an uprising unprecedented if we just stay this course. Keep joining with the Tea Party to take our nation back! We are the Revolution. This is the Resistance.
David Hale
Coordinator, RockfordTeaParty
Regional Coordinator, Illinois Tea Party Patriots
State Supreme Court Needs Reform
It should come as no surprise that this year reform is in the air and there are historic opportunities in Illinois to change power in Springfield both in the Executive and Legislative branches. These are important races and I encourage you to be active in them, regardless of your political affiliation. But I’m writing to you about another race today.
State Supreme Court justices are elected for 10 year terms. After those 10 years, they have to run for “retention”, or whether they automatically get 10 more years. If only 40% of voters vote no on retention, those judges will have to run for election in 2012 so we can have a free and fair election for those judicial races.
I’m writing today to inform you I am working against the retention votes of Supreme Court Justices Fitzgerald, Freeman and Kilbride. I believe this years’ historic opportunity can’t be left to waste on the opportunity to reform our Supreme Court. I have targeted these justices because of their disturbing pattern of rulings which have consistently favored special interests . . . even when the state constitution was clearly against their position.
Those of you who may be fiscal conservatives know that the state supreme court has said that any and all tort reform is unconstitutional with no exceptions. Why? Because it infringes on their ability to award billions of dollars in awards for even the most minor of injuries. They ruled that the judiciary and only the judiciary has any say about how they can rule, conveniently overlooking that the legislature has always been the body to determine what crimes are, what sentences can be handed out, and has an entire section of our state law dedicated to civil procedure. They decided to side with special interests over our constitution. The 3 justices I target were involved in that. They have a disturbing pattern on social issues as well.
I believe that courts should rule on what the law is, not simply create the law out of thin air and then overrule our elected representatives.
My solution is simple, I am going to campaign to get 40% of voters in their districts to vote against retention. Then we, the people, have a free and fair election to determine who the next state Supreme Court justices are. The justices who lost their retention vote can even run in those elections if they wish. All I’m asking for is the opportunity to let voters voices be heard.
Of course, this campaign will cost money which is why the Equal Justice NOW organization was created. We will be going toe-to-toe against the special interests who control our courts. But in this year, all their resources may not be enough.
I’m asking for your help. If you live in Cook County (1st District) or Bureau, Fulton, Grundy, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Iroquois, Kankakee, Knox, LaSalle, Marshall, McDonough, Mercer, Peoria, Putnam, Rock Island, Tazewell, Warren, Whiteside, and Will Counties (3rd District), you will be able to vote in these races. If you are interested in being active and helping with Get Out the Vote Efforts, please contact me at .
However, for all of you, we need the financial resources to take this fight to the special interests. This year’s elections will be historic and I believe we need to drive as far as we can as fast as we can and take on the special interests everywhere. Can I count on your support?
You can send donations to Equal Justice NOW at 715 Erin Drive, Champaign, IL 61822 or donate online at:
Thank you for all that you do and I look forward to bringing reform to Illinois with your help!
John Bambenek
CC Relay For Life Says “Thanks’
The 2010 American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Carroll County was held on June 26-27 at the Milledgeville High School Athletic field. Survivors’ dinner was held at 4:00 p.m. at the Milledgeville Brethren Church where 35 plus cancer survivors and their guests enjoyed good fellowship and a wonderful meal.
We applaud the survivors that participated in the opening lap. They are the reason we continue the fight because each year there can be more and more people living wonderful lives following a diagnosis of cancer.
We would like to sincerely thank the residents of Carroll County for their generosity and support. 23 teams participated in this years event, raising over $64,000.00 for the American Cancer Society’s research, education, advocacy and service programs. The outstanding support received proves that the people of Carroll County are truly committed to the fight against cancer.
We would also like to extend a special thanks to the many Relay For Life volunteers who worked to make this event a success. The Relay For Life committee did an outstanding job of putting the event together. Committee members are co-chairs Cindy Jacobs and Christiene Gable, other members are Gwen Lowe, Donna Althoff, Emily Rogers, Carol Stoner, Karen McCarty, Bev Lundquist, Donna Landis, Perri Plog, Sherri Tresemer, Lynnette Forth, Paul Forth, Jayden Forth and Ann Zink.
We also appreciate the generosity of this year’s sponsors, without them Relay For Life would not be possible: Presenting Sponsors: GM Productions DJ Service, Milledgeville High School, Mt. Carroll Mirror Democrat, Savanna Times Journal, The Carroll County Review, The Prairie Advocate News and WCCI 100.3 FM. Gold Sponsors: FHN, Manny’s Pizza, Sievert’s Steaks & Stuff, Milledgeville State Bank, Savanna-Thomson State Bank, and THE National Bank. Bronze Sponsors: First Savanna Savings Bank, Pharnacy Center, Mt. Carroll Banking Center, Brown Construction Company, Flower Fan-A-See, and The American Legion.
Thank you to the following businesses and individuals for donating goods, services time and talent to our Relay. You have truly helped make this event a success! The Blarney Stone, Z-Team Pest Control, Milledgeville State Bank Staff, The National Bank Staff, Heritage Center in Lanark, Berner Foods, Brother’s Inn Family Restaurant, Carroll County Livestock Feeders, Casey’s General Store of Shannon, Charlies II, Batty Clementz, Country Peddler Floral& Gifts, Deininger’s Floral Shop, Engel’s Jewelry, Hampton Inn of Freeport, Iron Horse Social ClubJC Carey Motors, Inc.,Johnson’s Processing Plant, Imc., KFC& Taco Bell of Savanna, Ladies of Lutheran Church, Lanark Food Center, Lanar Lions Club, Milledgeville Brethren Church, Lanark Chiropractic, Photography by Elly, Milledgeville Food Center, Milledgeville High School, Oakville Country Club, O’Maddy’s of Freeport, Pamida of Savanna, Pizza Hut, Poopy’s, River Valley Design, Savanna Ace Hardware, Schrader Realty, Shannon Lions Club, Shaw’s Food Pride, Special Touch, Laurie Stitzel, Sullivan’s Foods of Savanna, Swiss Colony of Savanna, Tee Lee Popcorn, Al Thede, Timberlake Playhouse, VFW – Freeport, VFW – Shannon, West Carroll Middle School, West Point Tree FarmThe Stain Glass Shop, Reverand Mark Harkness, Mary Jo Ferderick., Terri Miller, Gary Foltz, and Reverand Rick Koch.
Again, Thank You for supporting the American Cancer Society and remember, it is not too early to become involved in Rely For Life 2011!Come be a part of this spectacular event.
Ann Zink, Publicity Chair
American Cancer Society of Carroll County
Capitol Report
By Jim Sacia, State Representative, 89th District
“Typical politician.” Having the privilege of serving as your State Representative elicits many comments. What I’m most proud of is taking strong stands on issues after I’ve researched the facts and then sharing my observations with you.
You will recall last week I wrote about my opposition to medical marijuana. The previous week, I wrote about my strong support for Arizona’s new immigration law. I received many supportive comments about my Arizona article. In my article about medical marijuana, I noted that I had already received many emails telling me to support it “or else”. Now the “or else emails are arriving because of the column. One email from B.B. says “You all go after people using medical marijuana more than you people go after pedophiles. Do little kids turn you on Jim? You sick ****. I am praying you and your loved ones get cancer, you dog.” V. D. writes “Good morning Bubba! *** conservatives, so-called ‘Christians’ and other assorted cop lovers. In other words, all scumbags.” It goes on and on
My all time favorite negative comment came several years ago in response to an article I wrote supporting the need for humane termination of horses in the United States, commonly called horse slaughter. On that topic a lady responded “May you rot in hell you despicable vermin.” As a potential future supporter I listed her as “doubtful”.
Back to my opening sentence about “typical politician”, I believe that all citizens want their elected officials to take a stand… some, though, only want you to take a stand if it agrees with their opinion. I refuse to walk the middle of the road. Those who do are quickly identified as “typical politicians”.
Taking a stand is often controversial. Accordingly you receive criticism. What provides me the greatest solace to deal with it apart from my belief in God is “attitude”. Charles Swindoll writes so eloquently about it: “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”
I will be at the Senior Center in Milledgeville, Monday, July 26, 2010, at 10:00 AM. Coffee and doughnuts will be on me. Hope you can join me.
As always, you can reach me, Sally or Barb at or e-mail us at . You can also visit my website at It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.