Friends of the Lanark Public Library and the Lanark Chamber of Commerce served a large crowd of over 200 hungry parade-watchers at the Heritage Center after the E-PC parade.
Claire and Liam Mitchell are very happy to get their pork chops! Their parents are Kathy and Ed Mitchell of Lanark.
John Nelson of the Exchange State Bank escorts E-PC Homecoming Court Senior Attendants Brittany Young and Zach Truckenmiller during the Eastland-Pearl City Homecoming Parade on Wed., Oct. 21 in downtown Lanark.
Asche of Pearl City were named co-Parade Marshals. For exclusive video of the Parade, go to! (PA photos/Tom Kocal)
Parade Video by Tom Kocal
Produced by Brent Simmons
Cookout Video by Tom Kocal
Produced by Brent Simmons