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How 'bout HEAD CHEESE? It is made of real heads; a kind of sausage cooked down to a jelly ... "Wash as many hogs heads as you wish, scrape clean, take out the eyes, put in a kettle with sufficient water to cover and keep water over the top till meat begins to drop from the bone.
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November NICAA Golden Meals
Cook's Choice
Baked chicken, parslied potatoes, green beans, fruit cobbler, bread & margarine
Meatloaf, AuGratin potatoes, carrots, gelatin applesauce, bread & margarine
Pork chops with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, steamed cabbage, fruit, bread & margarine
Baked fish, O'Brien potatoes, butter beans, lemon pudding, bread & margarine
Chicken breast with country gravy, mashed potatoes, beets, fruit, bread & margarine
Barbequed pork, creamed potatoes, garbanzo bean salad, cookie, bread & margarine
Turkey ala king, peas, salad, fruit, biscuit
Cook's choice
Split pea soup, chicken salad sandwich, celery & carrot sticks, jello with fruit, dessert
Baked ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, pineapple, bread & margarine
Creamed chicken on biscuit, mixed vegetables, jello with fruit, dessert, bread & margarine
Roast beef & gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, peach crisp, bread & margarine
Spaghetti with meatsauce, salad, pears, garlic bread, bread & margarine
Lemon baked fish, baked potato, vegetable blend, cake, bread & margarine
Cheeseburger, potato salad, broccoli, fruit, bread & margarine
Goulash, green beans, coleslaw, pears, bread & margarine
Roast pork & gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, applesauce, bread & margarine
Thanksgiving Day-All sites closed
Tuna noodle casserole, vegetable blend, kidney bean salad, mandarin oranges, bread & margarine